So far, here on the Ultimate Play-by-Post Blog, we have discussed what play-by-post is, and what are some of the RPG systems being played on some of the various PbP mediums. Now, in this article, we’ll discuss these sites in a little more depth. This by no means is meant to be an exhaustive list. There are countless sites that offer the play-by-post experience. For our purposes here we’ll stick to some of the most popular sites. Hopefully, one or two will spark your interest and get you started on your play-by-post journey.
Role Gate
Role Gate is a chat-based play-by-post platform, that lets you engage in any type of tabletop RPG experience. No matter what your favorite RPG game, Role Gate allows you to participate in a game, at your own pace. It’s very simple to use, and has a vibrant, active community. Role Gate even allows you to read along with games without having to actually be a part of that game. It’s a great way to learn to use the site or just to follow along and enjoy reading an adventure.
Role Gate offers a simple chat-based interface, in and out of character chats, separated description and dialogue boxes, with whisper and tone effects, character sheets, and dice rollers. There is even a Discord channel where you can hang out and chat with others in the Role Gate community, ask and get answers to your questions, and keep up to date with Role Gate news and happenings. Best of all, Role Gate is actively being updated and having new features added regularly.
Although Role Gate is free to join and use at the Basic Level, it does have pay levels with some added features and benefits. By no means are you obligated to join a pay level to enjoy the site. If Role Gate sounds like something you would be interested in, then please, follow the link below and give it a look. I don’t think you will be disappointed.
And in full disclosure, this is NOT an affiliate link. Although, if you use the link, and join Role Gate, I do get a referral credit. This credit can be used for account upgrades on my end.
One last tidbit: Role Gate can be accessed directly from its website, if using a computer / laptop or through the Role Gate App, if using a cell phone.
Tavern Keeper
Tavern Keeper is a forum-based play-by-post platform. Like Role Gate it allows you to engage in any type of tabletop RPG experience. You can read along with games, even ones you’re not a part of, either for fun or to learn how to use the site. It has a fairly large and active community, although not on par with that of Role Gate. It can be kind of hard to get in a game as a player. In fact, I’ve never been able to get in a game as a player. As a GM, I’ve never had any issues getting people to play in my games, but they are usually people that I already know, and have invited to join.
All that being said, I really like Tavern Keeper. It has a lot of nice features and is pretty easy to pick up and use. It’s a little lacking in ways of tutorials but has a decent discussion forum that has a lot of potential questions already answered.
Some of Tavern Keeper’s features include detailed profiles, journals, and character sheets (although not very customizable), immersive campaign management tools, ability to upload character and NPC avatars, maps, video and sound clips. And can be accessed through laptop / computer / cell phone. And best of all it is 100% free with no level upgrades.
You can check Tavern Keeper out here at:
Gamers Plane
Gamers Plane is another play-by-forum site, similar to Tavern Keeper. It offers pretty much all the same bells and whistles, such as: support for all tabletop role-playing systems, integrated dice rollers, playing cards, music library, customized character sheets, mapping tool, and a diverse and active community. And, like Tavern Keeper, Gamers Plane is 100% free.
The biggest difference between Gamers Plane and Tavern Keeper is that the Gamers Plane community seems to be a little more active and engaging. And the site is still being worked on and upgraded, whereas Tavern Keeper isn’t (although I hear that there is an upgrade being worked on, but no time frame as to when it may be completed).
As of yet, I haven’t played in or run a game on Gamers Plane. I am signed up with an account and have spent a good deal of time on the site reading and poking around. I do have plans to run a Tiny Dungeon game in the not-too-distant future. I’ll be sure keep you posted!
You can check out Gamers Plane here at:
That’s going to do it for this post. Be sure to come back and check out Part 2 in this series on where you can play play-by-post games. Until then, happy gaming and may your dice roll high!